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About Me

Joni spent 20 years in business management where she enjoyed teaching and mentoring others.  Later she earned a master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology and had the honor of delivering one-on-one treatment to her patients and working with their amazing families.  All the while, she was exploring her spiritual path on the side.  Through attending many hours of research into the teachings of scientists and spiritual teachers, Joni earned a coaching certification and become an accredited Quantum Consciousness Facilitator.  Joni now devotes her full time to living her passion of helping others on their spiritual path.

A Personal Note from Joni

25 years ago, I faced a personal crisis—my dark night of the soul. I began asking, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" Immersing myself into spirituality, I took numerous courses, read countless books, and listened to hundreds of hours of recordings. Through this journey, I honed my intuitive skills, gained profound insights about myself and the universe, and learned how to connect to the spiritual guidance available to all of us.

Despite these discoveries, I feared others' opinions and spent years hiding my spiritual journey.  Finally, after a moment of personal awakening, I chose to live authentically.  I now live in service by combining my intuitive gifts, work experience, and specialized training to help others discover their true selves and unique purpose and talents.

This website is born from the divine guidance I've received. I feel compelled to share my knowledge with you.  You're not alone on your path, and immense joy awaits you.

Explore my offerings. Whether you're new to your spiritual journey or well along the way, the Quantum Consciousness journeys will amaze you. If you seek clarity and purpose, I'd be honored to guide you through my coaching program. Reach out to me—it's the first step.

Many blessings, love, and light to you!

Accredited Quantum Consciousness Facilitator

Women-Centered Coaching Foundations Certification

Let’s Take This Journey Together

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